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WE DON'T DIE® Radio Show with host Sandra Champlain

Feb 29, 2016

Ordained minister Carole Lynne is a commissioned healer and a certified medium. She is a member of the Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism. This is her second interview on We Don’t Die Radio, sharing new information about life after death.

Reverend Carole Lynne is also an award holder with the Spiritual National...

Feb 21, 2016

Bestselling author, worldwide speaker and A Course in Miracles expert, Gary Renard is our guest on this very special episode of

Gary is the best-selling author of many works, including "The Disappearance of the Universe," "Your Immortal Reality" and "Love Has Forgotten No One” and the brilliant...

Feb 15, 2016

A scientifically-minded skeptic and once atheist, Martin Twycross, would not seem to be a person who has over 20 instructional videos and teaches an in depth home study course in mediumship!

Martin Twycross is a Spiritualist Medium and Teacher based in the UK with a passion for demonstrating survival and helping...

Feb 12, 2016

Medium John Edwards gave Brandy and her skeptical father amazing evidence about her mom's survival! It is this story that I am excited for you to hear Brandy Faith Weld share on this episode of We Don't Die Radio. She's also had a near death experience and her experience I believe you'll find comforting

About Brandy...